
On a sunny day...

We had a whole morning of sun today. After several days of rain and clouds, we had a handful of hours of sunshine. And if it weren’t for The Boy bouncing off anything standing still, it would have been a lovely morning. Well except for the lovely background music of The Girl hacking her massive pneumonia cough (her fever broke last night, so that’s a huge improvement!). But the infusion of sunlight did help me with my overall world view a bit. I’m not quite as crabby and woe-is-me this afternoon. That could be because The Girl went down for a 2 hour nap and I shooed The Boy across the street to play with friends. But as that makes me sound like a less than engaged mom, I’m just going to chalk it up to the re-emergence of the sun.

Also, it could be chalked up to this HI-larious video my friend H sent me. It’s probably not entirely safe for work, but you should watch it. It’ll get you all revved up for a saucy weekend, sun or no sun.

Step 1, put a hole in the box.

I mean you could riff on this sucker for hours, I’m pretty sure. Bringing hours of rejuvenated joy around the water cooler. Giving wings to cubicle-imprisoned imaginations. Encouraging dull, unfocused eyes to come into sharp focus on the clouds swirling overhead in a fantastic display of psychedelic colors shaped like woodland creatures. Or something.

Whatever. It’s an awesomely funny Saturday Night Live skit that made me laugh out loud. Check it out.

And now it’s raining again. My dogs are whining like the pansies they really are from the thunder and large raindrops hitting their gigantic, drooling heads. Even though the return of the rain has threatened to nudge the good mood I’m in out of the way, it is also filling my house with its delicious and clean smell (which since I haven’t actually cleaned the house in entirely too long, is a welcome change of pace). Instead of slipping back into the sulk I have so studiously perfected over the last several days, I’ll move my good mood back to center and anticipate the BBQ chicken we’re having for dinner.


sh said...

OMG, that video is, like, two years old! What do you, like, live in a cave or something?


mosaica said...

I know. And I am ashamed. But I do live in a hole called suburbsof ColoradoSpringswithtwosmallchildrenandinbedby10pminordertopreservesanity. I am, like, so totally out of it!!

Unknown said...

i caught max quietly singing it while playing with his legos today. ooops!!! bad mommy BAD mommy! his version was "junk in a box" pwwahahahaha

Amy said...

I'll have to remember to ask Max to sing that at the next playgroup! I think I would die!

mosaica said...

Paige, that is AWESOME!!! heheheheeee....