
Job Interview

I didn’t really know what to write about today. For the first time in a while I pulled a complete blank on what to babble on about. So as the day wore on and the hour got later and I still hadn’t written anything, I thought, well I’ll just write about my day. Because it was a pretty good day. It was a step forward kind of day. A day that tells me that I really am on the right path, even if it is a bit bumpy and the scenery is different than I had imagined it would be.

I had my first job interview this morning since well before The Girl was born. It’s time for me to go back to work. For a myriad of reasons. So I have been applying to just about every position I’m qualified for the last few weeks. And I finally got an interview today. Probably they will end up using me as a contractor to outsource projects for them, which is fine. Work is work right? And the meeting went really well.

I have always had a love/hate relationship with job interviews. I love that I get to meet new people and get a glimpse into different office cultures. I love to talk about what has brought me to where I am currently; everything I have learned, what I do well, what I want to do well, what I need help with. I hate being nervous. I hate second guessing everything that I say for fear that I’ll somehow stick my rather large foot into my rather large mouth inadvertently.

And I actually found as I was walking the long hall towards the office, that I wasn’t all that nervous. I think that maybe I’ve come to a point where I know what I want. I know what I’m capable of. I know where my boundaries are. I know which ones I can push to grow and which ones are not even remotely fluid. I just really know where and who I am right now. I cannot even tell you how freeing and empowering that is.

Maybe I’ll get this whole life thing figured out yet.

1 comment:

Maida said...

My first job interview is next week. Since I don't actually *need* the job, but would really like to have the job, I'm feeling fairly zen about it. More anticipatory than anxious.
It's nice to be in this place, isn't it?